Sdorica -sunset- Wiki

Items shown in the Roster section

Items in Sdorica can be obtained through Market, Region Exploration, Ventures, Story, Events and Missions. These items are mainly then used for the resonance, though there are some items used for infusion and crafting.

Resonance Materials

Currently, most items in Sdorica fall under the category of Resonance Materials.

The list of resonance materials is: Items obtained by clearing specific tests. Rarity R, SR, and SSR. Can be bought by using market.

Items obtained through daily quests or bought through the market. Rarity R and SR.

SR variant

R variant

Resonance Soul Energy

Character Minerals

  • Items specific to characters and used for resonance.

Other Items


  • Missions will reward watchers with Curren upon obtaining region resonance materials for the first time.
  • Missions will reward watchers with crystal upon obtaining character minerals for the first time.
  • Treasure chest and guild chest can be obtained to provide resonance materials.
  • Completion of Training Quest will provide the necessary materials for Tica, Naya and Pang to be resonated to their SR form.
  • Completion of Medium Training will provide the necessary materials for Pang and Naya to be resonated to their SSR form.
  • Daily events rotate from region to region and are an easy way to obtain region resonance materials.
  • Hidden Treasure event allows players to obtain character minerals of units in their party.

See Also


CombatStatus EffectsStatisticsInfuseResonanceContract CraftingItemsMarketGuilds (Facilities) •
