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Sophisticated Huckster
(Sophisticated Huckster) Jia-Shen

Battle Info[]

Base Stats
Attack {{{attack}}} Attack power Icon Health {{{health}}} Health Icon Revive {{{revive}}} Revive Icon
Base stats taken at R Tier, Level 1. For more details, see Statistics

Advisor Skill [Advisor Skill] Smooth Talk, Slick Walk
Upon start of player's turn, grant ally with the highest HP Charisma Icon Charisma
Passive Skill [Passive Skill] Ferris Wheel Fortune
Upon player's turn, if Jia-Shen's HP is the highest on the team, grant self Charisma Icon Charisma and Taunt Icon Taunt.
1 Orb Skill Icon [1-orb skill] Roman Candle
When HP isn't highest on the team: True Damage (Attack power Icon x 1) back row enemy, grant all allies Taunt Icon Taunt.
When HP is highest on the team: True Damage (Attack power Icon x 1) back row enemy.
2 Orb Skill Icon [2-orb skill] Countryside "Tonic"
When HP isn't highest on the team: Grant self Armor (Attack power Icon x 2.4), grant allies Taunt Icon Taunt for 2 turns.
When HP is highest on the team: Grant allies Armor (Attack power Icon x 1.8), grant self Armor Shift Icon Armor Shift.
4 Square Orb Skill Icon [4-orb skill, square] Carny Cure-All
When HP isn't highest on the team: Heal self (Attack power Icon x 3.6), grant allies Taunt Icon Taunt for 3 turns.
When HP is highest on the team: Heal allies (Attack power Icon x 1.35), grant them 3 stacks Regen Icon Regen.


Resonance Level Tear Material Soul Energy Character Mineral
SR Tier   to   SSR Tier
Tear of Ancient Dragon Icon
Brass Compass Icon
White SSR Soul Energy Icon
Jia-Shen Character Mineral Icon
Curren Icon



Jia-Shen Signature

A tortoise demihuman from the East Alliance who is passive and lacks confidence. Whenever he gets into trouble, he's always the first one running.

Originally an exchange student in the Desert Kingdom, after he got kicked out of school, he couldn't find the courage to go home and face his family. Currently staying with kind-hearted Lizards, he relies on various "skills" he learned back home to help him scrounge together enough money to live. Whether it's singing, dancing, rhyming, story-telling or selling, he does it all. His unusual performing style has made him a staple at the Bazaar, Harbor, and other spots in the Kingdom.

Although he's actually a tortoise, many people mistake him for a turtle. Confused about his place in society, he relies on his strange looks, slapstick humor and smooth talking to garner applause and laughter from the audience. His unique set of skills also often help him get out of trouble. In reality, he is very kindhearted, and when it is absolutely necessary he forces himself to lend a hand to those in need.

♦ 22 yrs old (10th of Sun month)
♦ 159 cm
♦ CV: Ishigami Yuuichi
