Sdorica -sunset- Wiki
Imposing Stature
(Imposing Stature) Law

Battle Info[]

Base Stats
Attack {{{attack}}} Attack power Icon Health {{{health}}} Health Icon Revive {{{revive}}} Revive Icon
Base stats taken at R Tier, Level 1. For more details, see Statistics

Advisor Skill [Advisor Skill] Three Steps From Hell
If allies turn count is a multiple of 3, skill power increases 40%.
Passive Skill [Passive Skill] Exorcism Chant
When attacked by enemy with Taunt Icon Taunt, grant self 1 stack Status Icon Fury. When Status Icon Fury reaches 3 stacks, trigger Exorcism.

Exorcism: Armor Penetration (Attack power Icon x 3.75) selected enemy and grant Stun Icon Stun for 1 turn.

1 Orb Skill Icon [1-orb skill] Zen Power
Heal self (Attack power Icon x 0.45). When Law has 0 stacks of Status Icon Fury, add 1 stack. Grant self 2 turns of Enhance Icon Enhance.
2 Orb Skill Icon [2-orb skill] Mace Of Chaos
Armor Penetration (Attack power Icon x 1.5) selected enemy. When Law has 1 stack of Status Icon Fury, add 1 stack.
4 Square Orb Skill Icon [4-orb skill, square] Whirling Stars
Armor Penetration (Attack power Icon x 2.25) selected enemy. When Law has 2 stacks of Status Icon Fury, add 1 stack.


Resonance Level Tear Material Soul Energy Character Mineral
R Tier   to   SR Tier
Tear of Dragon Slayer Icon
Brass Compass Icon
Gold SR Soul Energy Icon
Law Character Mineral Icon
Curren Icon



Law Signature

A herculean, wolf demihuman from the East Alliance who is known to be a renowned martial arts master within his tribe. Usually, he is humble, peace-loving, and encourages others to be virtuous. Try as he may, he can't hide the fact that in reality, he is explosive and short-tempered. He often lets his true nature get the best of him and will explode with complete disregard for the consequences. But as fast as his rage comes it goes, leaving him regretful and bewildered about his actions. This process is constantly repeating itself, causing him to continue to search for inner peace.

Although he is always quarreling with his disciple Miranda, their teacher-student relationship is exceptionally deep. He is a long-time friend of Yan-Bo's from his days in Maple Lake, though they haven't seen each other for quite some time.

♦ 44 yrs old (1st of Maple month)
♦ 182 cm
♦ CV: Kushida Yasumichi
