Sdorica -sunset- Wiki
Doll Housekeeper
(Doll Housekeeper) Nolva

Battle Info[]

Base Stats
Attack {{{attack}}} Attack power Icon Health {{{health}}} Health Icon Revive {{{revive}}} Revive Icon
Base stats taken at R Tier, Level 1. For more details, see Statistics

Advisor Skill [Advisor Skill] Incur Mission
Clear 4 selected black orbs. [CD: 6]
Passive Skill [Passive Skill] For Gig Goals
If any ally has Vulnerability Icon Vulnerability, increase self skill ratio by 20% for each ally present.
1 Orb Skill Icon [1-orb skill] Sob Scene
True Damage (Attack power Icon x 0.75) all enemies. Grant ally Vulnerability Icon Vulnerability.
2 Orb Skill Icon [2-orb skill] Love Scene Awry
True Damage (Attack power Icon x 1.5) front row enemy, clear 1 black orb.
4 Square Orb Skill Icon [4-orb skill, square] Remake A Scene
True Damage (Attack power Icon x 1.5) all enemies.


Resonance Level Tear Material Soul Energy Character Mineral
SR Tier   to   SSR Tier
Tear of Ancient Dragon Icon
Prodigy Puppet Icon
Black SSR Soul Energy Icon
Nolva Character Mineral Icon
Curren Icon


Nolva Carpenter

Nolva Signature

A traveling puppet merchant of Paradise Prairie who is gentle, softly spoken, and socially awkward, especially in front of strangers.

Nolva's mother died in labor following the destruction of Atlas. Born among fire and brimstone, Nolva contracted Void Disease from the residual Soul Energy of monsters.

Whenever the void inhaling season nears, Nolva does not age, nor have any memory during her prolonged slumber. That's why, although she is 35, she still looks and thinks like a 22 year old.

♦ Appears 22 yrs old/Actually 35 yrs old (14th of Sun month)
♦ 160 cm
♦ CV: Chihiro Ishiguro
